sábado, 21 de diciembre de 2024

EMPTY CASKET AUDIO: entrevista y articulo sobre esta maquina productora de trabajos de puro Ruido!!!

A modo de introduccion: EMPTY CASKET AUDIO es un sello de los Estados Unidos, mas especificamente del estado de California empeñado en editar puras bandas del mas retorcido noisegrind, noisecore y ruido inmisericorde que cualquier alma no sera capaz de soportar, a continuanción un breve cuestionario que amablemente contesto Tony quien es el propietario de E.C.A.

In what year was Empty Casket Audio born?

2023 . I had other "labels" on and off for the last 25 years but they never did anything and I was a broke bum as a teenager and young adult. Now in my 40s I have some cash, more focus and a passion to release these abortions on to the world.

What anti-musical projects are you involved in?

Shit! That list could go on for a long while. Been doing horrible noisy stuff since the late 90s. At the moment, the main ones that are still active would be Flesheatingbacteria, Rectal worms, Pissface, Diarrhea coffin and a new project with random friends called 1- 900 Diarrhea.

What led you to create a label like E.C.A.?

Enjoyment! I fucking love all this shit so much and love hearing what people come up with still after so many years. Im a noisecore freak. Its the only form of "music" that I never got bored of.  I think due to the fact that there are no rules or structure to a lot of it. Just pure blleeeuuaaagghhhhhh!!!!! slam slam slam boom bam rraaaawwww rawwww slam smack slam slam boom boom!!! In bursts of chaos.  Whats not to like about that??

Is Templeton, California a good place to live? Do people point out that you wear t-shirts with extreme designs?

Templeton is a great place to live. Its a small farming town of 8,386 people. Old time west feeling when you get to the downtown, which is only about 9 blocks, so theres not much here. In the surrounding towns there's LOTS to do. I would say yeah about extreme music shirts around here for sure. Where I live there is a punk and metal scene, but its very small compared to the big cities hours away from us. Fuuucck yeah! You would get the fucking hairy eye for sure for wearing something like an Anal birth shirt in the super market around a town of farmers and Christians! 


aqui les puse el link de su bandcamp, pueden hacer dos cosas: 

1-disfrutar de las hermosas bandas que aparecen en este bandcamp

o #2

2-si saben que a duras penas soportan el ladrido de un perro, para que mierda andan de curiosos e intentan escuchar el autentico ruido destructor de esfinteres e himenes.

BANDCAMP Escucha, COMPRA o muere!!


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